Supervisory board
As a large company, NIBC Bank N.V., is subject to the Large Company Regime (structuurregime), a regime that is obliged to install a supervisory board. The Supervisory Board supervises and advises the Managing Board. It is the Board’s priority to protect the interests of the company and its operations, rather than the interests of any particular stakeholder. Supervisory Board members are not employees, but receive an annual remuneration for their duties. Candidates recommended for appointment or reappointment to the Supervisory Board must meet the conditions as laid down in the profile of the Supervisory Board.

Mr D.M. Sluimers
Former Chairman of the Executive Board of the Algemene Pensioen Groep N.V. (APG)
Background | Pension and finance
Nationality | Dutch

Mrs A.G.Z. Kemna
Former Member of the Executive Board of APG Group and Chief Finance and Risk Officer/ Chief Investment Officer of APG Group
Background | Pension and finance
Nationality | Dutch

Mrs S.M. Zijderveld
Former member of the Board and Chief Risk Officer Nederlandse Spoorwegen N.V.
Background | managerial background in real estate, retail markets, risk, legal & compliance
Nationality | Dutch

Mr J.J.M. Kremers
Former member of the Managing Board of Royal Bank of Scotland NV and ABN AMRO Bank
Background | Finance
Nationality | Dutch

Mr Q. Abbas
Senior Managing Director, Tactical Opportunities at Blackstone Group
Background | Finance
Nationality | British

Mr J.G. Wijn
Former member of the Management Boards of Adyen and ABN AMRO Bank
Background | Finance and politics
Nationality | Dutch

Mrs L.M.T. Boeren
Former CEO of Kempen Capital Management N.V. and former chair of the Management Board of Robeco Groep
Background | Asset Management
Nationality | Dutch

Mr M.P.L. Favetto
Managing Director in Private Equity, The Blackstone Group International Partners LLP
Background | Finance
Nationality | French