Building a valuable maritime services network as a young professional
How Thomas van Oorschot and Azimjon Rakhimov set things in motion within the maritime industry
Thomas van Oorschot only just started at NIBC when he was asked by Michael de Visser to represent the organisation at a Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC) dinner. The RMSC represents the business interests of Rotterdam based companies that provide professional business services to the maritime industry. At this dinner Thomas was invited to participate in the organising committee of Young RMSC and without hesitation, Thomas seized this opportunity.
Thomas has been committed to the industry on behalf of NIBC for almost 5 years now. Recently backed up by Azimjon Rakhimov, who will soon be organising networking events for Young RMSC as well.
The Young RMSC events often have an informative character, in which members can actively participate in sector discussions, concluded with networking drinks. A great opportunity to expand a maritime services network, something that is seen as very valuable by the young members.
Openly discussing urgent maritime topics
Thomas: “You notice that the maritime industry can be a bit conservative. However, it is such an interesting industry, in which so much is happening. For example, in collaboration with other organisations for young professionals, we have organised a Panel discussion, where three experienced people within the industry spoke. Topics range from 'it is difficult to attract young talent in the industry' to 'should the opinion of young talent be given a bigger stage' and 'why is employee turnover that high?'. The young guard comes with fresh energy and they appreciate to give their own opinion on these kinds of topics and bring in new insights. Discussions like this show that the industry needs a better branding.
Bring in some fun
This summer a Padel tournament and network drinks are being organised in which several organisations in Rotterdam will participate. A great opportunity where we meet people from all different industries within the maritime sector and with whom we can discuss different topics. Besides the educational aspect this comes with, it is also fun!
A nice side effect is that the Municipality of Rotterdam also asks us for input on issues that can help it put back on the map as a real port city. Every quarter we advise through the 'Rotterdam Maritime Board' on several case studies, concerning issues ranging from 'building a submarine' to challenges such as 'creating more overlap between the port itself, the maritime sector and involving socially challenging areas such as Rotterdam-South '.
Creating meaningful connections
Through the RMSC network, we also come into contact with very interesting parties, like 'Value Maritime'. They develop systems that removes sulfur and captures CO2 from vessels’ exhaust. NIBC’s equipment leasing label Beequip finances such systems through a lease structure. It is great to join forces with such knowledgeable and focused type of companies, in order to help the shipping industry to become ‘greener’.”
On behalf of Young RMSC, Thomas and Azim also lecture 90 exchange students from Singapore at the Erasmus University once a year. They are already looking forward to their next lecture in September.
Thomas: “What we sometimes encounter with shipping companies, often smaller family businesses, is that they lack time to improve on their marketing. With the right marketing you can attract the right people for your business, bringing in fresh energy and new insights. I think it is great to see that young people are actively putting the maritime sector on the map.”