NIBC to reappoint CEO and proposes reappointment of members of the Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of NIBC Holding N.V. and NIBC Bank N.V. announces its intention to reappoint Paulus de Wilt as Chair of the Managing Board and CEO of the company for a third four-year term. The Supervisory Board will inform shareholders of the intended reappointment during the upcoming Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”), following which the final reappointment decision will be taken. The Works Council has been requested to render advice regarding the intended appointment.
Mr Sluimers, chair of the Supervisory Board:
"We are pleased to announce the intended reappointment of Paulus de Wilt as CEO at NIBC. In the past eight years as CEO he has been instrumental in the transformation of the company and the recently communicated focused strategy. I am pleased that he will remain CEO in the coming years, ensuring that NIBC stays at the forefront in the fast-changing banking environment in which it operates."
In addition, at the AGM the Supervisory Board will nominate Angelien Kemna and Susi Zijderveld (the latter nomination being based on the enhanced right of recommendation of the Works Council) for reappointment as members of the Supervisory Board of NIBC Holding N.V. and NIBC Bank N.V. for a second four-year term.