NIBC’s Infrastructure business delivered strong H1 2023 results
NIBC Infrastructure shows a strong performance for the first half of 2023, reflecting the bank's successful transformation into a dynamic entrepreneurial asset-based financier. This strategic evolution has strengthened NIBC's role as a driving force in various segments, including mortgages, asset-based finance in Infrastructure, Commercial Real Estate and Shipping and financing platforms Beequip and yesqar.
Throughout the first half of 2023, NIBC Infrastructure has executed 9 financing transactions, resulting in a growth of our portfolio from EUR 1,545 million in 2022 to EUR 1,709 million in the first half of 2023. NIBC Infrastructure has played a significant role in funding digital infrastructure projects for valued clients such as Asterion, DIF, EdgeConneX, Netomnia, Onivia and MainCubes.
Jan Willem van Roggen, Head of NIBC Infrastructure:
“Our strong performance during the first half of the year clearly demonstrates our ongoing commitment to financing digital infrastructure investments for our clients. Additionally, NIBC Infrastructure is dedicated to financing the Energy Transition and is currently focusing on EV charging and battery storage projects. NIBC Infrastructure will continue to support digital infrastructure and energy transition projects in Western Europe with ticket sizes ranging from EUR 15 million to EUR 50 million.”
NIBC Infrastructure remains committed to support clients’ sustainability ambitions and building a better society by financing assets. With a clear ESG strategy that naturally involves efforts towards greater sustainability and emission reduction and the imminent launch of an ESG Client Portal, NIBC Infrastructure is dedicated to contribute its share of the transition journey.
We refer to our Interim Report 2023 NIBC Holding N.V. published on our website for full details.